Very tough tungsten carbide, which is commonly used in the manufacturing of cutting tools like end mills. These tools take pride of striking hardness, toughness and resistance to wear. Applicable in a plethora of industries from automotive to aerospace, these tools are standard for cutting and forming various materials such as metals, plastics and composites. In this guide we will take a deep dive into the many benefits of using tungsten carbide milling cutters, how to choose which cutter is best for your job, and compare solid vs. tungsten carbide cutters from ideal operation conditions based on its properties to widespread applications with advantages that come hand-in-hand.
Cutting Precision: Tungsten carbide milling cutters are designed to offer the maximum precision and accuracy in their cutting actions with minimal margins of error. This is because of the high rigidity offered by these tools, reducing vibrations and lowering chances of tool breakage.
Increased Productivity: The tungsten carbide milling cutters due to their high strength, accuracy and flexibility always work in favor of increasing productivity levels while simultaneously reducing downtimes. They reduce the tools needed in cutting, which makes it less time-consuming and reduces costs.
There are so many options available in the marketplace today, that it can be a daunting process trying to choose which tungsten carbide milling cutter would provide you with value for money when using on your project. Analyzing this will be simplified only when you take these into consideration:
Optimization of flute number: Flute numbers in milling cutters have a considerable impact on chip load, surface finish and cutting forces. Whenever possible, choose a milling cutter appropriate for the number of flutes dictated by experience and then simply mill with it as specified.
Milling cutters commonly used materials such as solid carbide and tungsten carbide. Though both come with their own pros and cons, tungsten carbide based milling cutter serves the purpose much better because of its excellent resilience, toughness along with extended wear resistance capabilities. In addition, multiple-insert spirals typically have a longer tool life than direct-shank solid carbide cutters-especially when cutting abrasive materials.
Tungsten carbide is a compound containing tungsten and carbon, high in both but not pure which ranges from 80% to only up to about 95%. Tungsten carbide is well known for a combination of superior hardness, toughness and wear resistance are essentially grains of tungsten carbides (WC) held together by a metallic binder like cobalt (Co) or nickel(Ni). The microstructure, or grain size and binder content of the carbide shape also determine its hardness, toughness and wear resistance.
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