Do you feel like making something unique and stylish from aluminum? If the answer is yes, then milling is for you. Milling is basically the same as the activity a human would indulge in while trying to craft a pot out of clay. Its such as the way of shaping the ball of clay except that rather than fingers doing the carving, an end mill which is basically a tool that rotates cuts aluminum in whatever shape required. This is a maker, you are able to make different creations and patterns.
If you are milling aluminium then it’s necessary to be cautiously slow and as always use sharp tool. To successfully machine any material, you need a sharp end mill to produce chip less cuts. You need an Oucheng Končni rezkar z 3 flavti za to službo. Trije rezalni robovi tega posebnega orodja vam omogočajo oblikovanje najbolj podrobnih in zapletenih modelov iz aluminija. Kar je res kul, čeprav čelni rezkar zavrtite zelo hitro in se rezanje zaključi v hipu. Vaš projekt ne bo trajal tako dolgo, da bo dokončan in hitreje boste lahko uživali v tem, kar so naredile vaše roke.
When trying to mill aluminum, one will notice some chipping, that is small particles break off. If they are not wiped clean, these chips can be a little messy. But don’t worry. What we did was to design our three flute end mill for smashing these chips off into pieces so that the cleanup part becomes a lot easier. You simply push the chips off as you work such that your surface stays clean. This way you can focus on creating instead of stressing over the mess.
Ko končate z rezanjem robov aluminija, mora biti čim bolj lep in sijoč. Končni rezkar s tremi žlebmi je tu, da vam pomaga. Reže se dobro in tudi mora, ker ima na vašem aluminiju čudovito gladko površino. Nihče pravzaprav ne mara nazobčanih robov ali hrapavosti, kajne? Oucheng čelni rezkarji za aluminij are made out of super durable materials, so it will no break easily even after long-term use. Because it will never be worn out or become blunt, you can use this for your different projects as many times you wish. Which in practice means that you can actually build a lot without having to pick up a new tool each time.
Jamie: Da, naš trikraki čelni rezkar bi morali popolnoma zagnati na aluminiju, če želite biti pri tem izjemni. Ta Oucheng three flute end mill vam bo pomagal do gladkih rezov in zagotovil, da bodo robovi vašega aluminija videti čisti in profesionalni. Naši aluminijasti žetoni letijo. s tem neverjetnim čelnim rezkarjem lahko preprosto dokončate projekt, ki bo navdušil vse. Torej, kaj še čakaš? Torej kar naprej, izberite enega danes in začnite svoje mlinarstvo. Presenetilo vas bo celo kaj, da za malo vaje in orodje. Kaj lahko storimo.